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NZ Plants

Veronica odora

Family: Plantaginaceae

Veronica odora is a bushy shrub with spreading branches. Branchlets are sparsely covered in short hairs and bear erect to spreading pairs of small oval leaves and unbranched spikes of white flowers. Formerly Hebe odora.
An endemic species inhabiting mountains from the central North Island to the South Island and the Auckland Islands.

Vegetative characteristics

Reproductive characteristics

Plant form: bush up to 1 m

Arrangement of parts: symmetric

Leaf bud: distinct; gap(sinus) broad and shield-shaped

Flower size: 3-3.5 mm long x 1.5 mm wide

Leaf form: undivided, oval to ellipitic

Sepals: 5

Leaf size: 4-11 mm long x 2-5 mm wide

Petals: 5, white

Leaf arrangement: opposite pairs

Sexuality: bisexual

Leaf attachment:

Stamens: 2

Leaf margin: smooth to finely toothed

Ovary: above petals

Leaf surface: hairless

Fruit: dry