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NZ Plants

Pittosporum tenuifolium - kōhūhū

Family: Pittosporaceae

Pittosporum tenuifolium is a small, many-branched tree with young branches and leaves covered with a fine felt of hairs. The small leaves are variable in size and colour and often have wavy margins.

An endemic species found throughout New Zealand.

More on kōhūhū: Takana Newsletter


Vegetative characteristics

Reproductive characteristics

Plant form: shrub up to 10 m

Arrangement of parts: symmetric


Flower size: 8-10 mm diam.

Leaf form: undivided, oblong, elliptic, ovate

Sepals: 5

Leaf size: 20-40 mm

Petals: 5, red, purple

Leaf arrangement: singly along stem

Sexuality: unisexual to bisexual

Leaf attachment:

Stamens: 5

Leaf margin: smooth

Ovary: above petals

Leaf surface: undulating , hairs

Fruit: dry