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NZ Plants

Lophomyrtus bullata - ramarama

Myrtle family: Myrtaceae

Lophomyrtus bullata is a shrub with distinctive blistered or puckered, glossy leaves in shades of bronze green. Formerly known as Myrtus bullata.
A genus endemic to New Zealand with two species both of which are found throughout the country.

Vegetative characteristics

Reproductive characteristics

Plant form: shrub up to 8 m

Arrangement of parts: symmetric


Flower size:  12-14 mm diam.

Leaf form: undivided, ovate

Sepals:  4

Leaf size: 1-3 cm

Petals:  4, white

Leaf arrangement: in opposite pairs

Sexuality: bisexual

Leaf attachment:

Stamens: numerous

Leaf margin: smooth

Ovary: below petals

Leaf surface: blistered , hairs on undersurface

Fruit: dry