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Photos of moss genera included on this website

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | L | M | O | P | R | S | T | W | Z


Acrocladium chlamydophyllum
Name of common moss
Amblystegium serpens
Name of common moss
Achrophyllum dentatum
Name of common moss
Andreaea sp
Name of common moss
Alleniella hymenodonta
Name of common moss
Atrichum androgynum


Name of common moss
Barbula calycina
Name of common moss
Bruetelia pendula
Bartramia_papillata 872_st23-600
Bartramia papillata
Name of common moss
Bryum clavatum
Name of common moss
Brachythecium rutabulum


Name of common moss
Calliergonella cuspidata
Calyptrochaeta cristata 1451-ventral-600
Calyptrochaeta cristata
Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum, dorsal
Name of common moss
Catharomnion ciliatum, dorsal surface
Name of common moss
Cladomnion ericoides
Name of common moss
Cyathophorum bulbosum, dorsal surface
Name of common moss
Calomnion complanatum, dorsal surface
Name of common moss
Camptochaete arbuscula
Name of common moss
Canalohypopterygium tamariscinum, ventral
Name of common moss
Catharomnion ciliatum, ventral surface
Cryphaea chlorophyllosa -I1255-0062-2
Cryphaea chlorophyllosa
Name of common moss
Cyathophorum bulbosum, ventral surface
Calomnion complanatum, ventral surface
Name of common moss
Campylopus clavatus
Name of common moss
Catagonium nitens
Ceratodon purpureus
Ctenidium pubescens 1495-0741-600
Ctenidium pubescens
Cyrtopus setusus


Name of common moss
Dawsonia superba
Name of common moss
Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme, ventral surface
Name of common moss
Dicnemon calycinum
Didymodon australasiae 530_plt26-600
Didymodon australasiae
Name of common moss
Dendrocryphaea tasmanica
Name of common moss
Dendroligotrichum tongariroense
Shoot tip
Dicranella vaginata
Distichophyllum pulchellum 1-1380-600
Distichophyllum pulchellum
Name of common moss
Dendrohypopterygium filiculiforme, dorsal surface
Dichelodontium  nitidum 820_br2-600
Dichelodontium nitidum
Name of common moss
Dicranoloma billardierei
Name of common moss
Ditrichum difficile

E | F

Name of common moss
Echinodium hispidum
Eriodon cylindritheca 885_br16-600
Eriodon cylindritheca
Fallaciella gracilis1614-600
Fallaciella gracilis
Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides 817_br23-600
Ephemeropsis trentepohlioides
Eurhynchium praelongum 784_st33-600
Eurhynchium praelongum
Stem with leaves
Fissidens pallidus
Ephemerum serratum 1847-600
Ephemerum serratum
Fabronia australis 750_br12-600
Fabronia australis
Funaria caps
Funaria hygrometrica


Glyphothecium sciuroides 855_br19-800
Glyphothecium sciuroides
Name of common moss
Grimmia pulvinata
Name of common moss
Gymnostomum calcareum


Name of common moss
Hampeella alaris
Name of common moss
Hymenodon pilifer
Name of common moss
Hypopterygium species, dorsal surface
Name of common moss
Hedwigia ciliata
Name of common moss
Hypnodendron arcuatum
Name of common moss
Hypopterygium species, ventral surface
Name of common moss
Holomitrium perichaetiale
Name of common moss
Hypnum chrysogaster


Lembophyllum divulsum 854_br13-600
Lembophyllum divulsum
Name of common moss
Leptostomum inclinans
Name of common moss
Lopidium concinnum, dorsal surface
Leptobryum pyriforme 1180-600
Leptobryum pyriforme
Name of common moss
Lepyrodon lagurus
Name of common moss
Lopidium concinnum, ventral surface
Leptodictyum riparium 508_br19-600
Leptodictyum riparium
Name of common moss
Leucobryum javense

M | O

Name of common moss
Macromitrium microstomum
Name of common moss
Ochiobryum blandum
Plant with several shoots
Mittenia plumulosa
Name of common moss
Orthorrhynchium elegans
Name of common moss
Mniodendron comatum (Syn, Hypnodendron comatum)
Orthotrichum sp  827_br2-600
Orthotrichum sp


Papillaria crocea_0043_600
Papillaria crocea
Physcomitrium pyriforme 1715-600
Physcomitrium pyriforme
Name of common moss
Polytrichadelphus magellanicus
Pseudotaxiphyllum falcifolium
Pulchrinodus inflatus
Pulchrinodus inflatus
Name of common moss
Pendulothecium punctatum
Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae 292_b3-600
Plagiomnium novae-zealandiae
Name of common moss
Polytrichum juniperinum
Name of common moss
Ptychomitium australe
Branch with leaves
Pyrrhyobryum bifarium
Name of common moss
Philonotis tenuis
Name of common moss
Pogonatum subulatum
Name of common moss
Pseudoscleropodium purum
Name of common moss
Ptychomnion aciculare
Name of common moss
Pyrrhobryum mnioides


Racomitrium pruinosum
Name of common moss
Rhaphidorrhynchium amoenum (syn., Sematophyllum amoenum)
Name of common moss
Rosulabryum subtomentosum
Racopilum cuspidigerum 287_br4-600
Racopilum cuspidigerum
Name of common moss
Rhizogonium novae-hollandiae
Name of common moss
Rhacocarpus purpurascens
Name of common moss
Rhynchostegium tenuifolium


Schistidium apocarpum IMG_1181-600
Schistidium apocarpum
Name of common moss
Sematophyllum jolliffii
Name of common moss
Schlotheimia knightii
sphagnum sp.737_stem56-600
Name of common moss
Sciadocladus menziesii
Syntrichia  antarctica 585_br12-600
Syntrichia antarctica


Name of common moss
Tayloria callophylla
Name of common moss
Trachyloma diversinerve
Tridontium tasmanicum 644_stem16-600
Tridontium tasmanicum
Name of common moss
Thuidiopisis furfurosa
Trematodon suberectus 804_br23-600
Trematodon suberectus
Triquetrella papillata 916_st36-600
Triquetrella papillata
Tortula muralis
Tortula muralis
Name of common moss
Trichostomum sciophilum

W | Z

Weissia controversa 735_plt26-600
Weissia controversa
Zygodon intermedius 860_br15-600
Zygodon intermedius
Name of common moss
Weymouthia cochlearifolia
Shoot with lower leaves
Zygodon menziesii
Wijkia extenuata 1281-600
Wijkia extenuata