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NZ Plants
Leafy liverworts 1: Variety of forms
The leafy liverworts are by far the largest group of liverworts. With over 5,500 species, they exhibit a wide variety of forms.
Irregular to forked branching

Leiomitra lanata - The stem of this liverwort branches at irregular intervals and at various orientations.
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Regular branching patterns

Lepidogyna hodgsoniae (syn., Lepidolaena hodgsoniae) - Some liverworts form branches left and right and on one plane, creating a pinnate (herringbone) pattern with distinctive ranks or hierarchies of branching
Cushion forming

Isotachis intortifolia - Many liverworts form closely-spaced, erect stems up to 90 mm long. Their continued growth results in thick, dense cushions.
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Tiny forms

Colura saccophylla, growing on a stem of the moss Dendroligotrichum dendroides. - This liverwort has stems only a few mm long and leaves 0.4 mm across.
Giant forms

Plagiochila stephensoniana- Some liverworts have stems up to 15 cm tall which in turn branch several times to form large 'fronds'. (photo, Iain MacDonald) More on this group of liverworts
More on this group of liverworts