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NZ Plants

Pteris tremula - turawera, shaking brake fern

Family: Pteridaceae

Pteris tremula is a terrestrial fern with a short, erect stem. Fronds are bright green, thin and divided with overlapping leaflets with free veins (do not join to form a newwork).

Found in lowland to montane regions of the North Island except for central areas and In coastal areas of the upper half of the South Island.

Vegetative characteristics

Fertile frond and sporangia

Plant form: short erect stems with fronds up to 1 m in length

Frond appearance: fertile leaflets slightly smaller

Frond stalk, midrib: stipe, red-brown

Sporangium location: on lower frond surface

Frond shape: oval

Sporangium position: leaflet margin

Frond blade: divided 3-4 times

Sporangia distribution: in groups (sori)

Frond surface: thin

Sorus shape: linear, continuous

Leaflets: linear, tapering to  a bluntly pointed tip with toothed margins

Sorus covering: inrolled leaflet margin