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NZ Plants
Asplenium chathamense - Chatham Island spleenwort
Spleenwort family: Aspleniaceae
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Vegetative characteristics |
Fertile frond and sporangia |
Plant form: short, erect rhizome with fronds up to 60 cm |
Frond appearance: similar to sterile frond |
Frond stalk, midrib: scattered slender, tapering scales |
Sporangium location: on lower frond surface |
Frond shape: elliptic to ovate |
Sporangium position: close to leaflet margin |
Frond blade: 2-3-pinnate (divided up to 3x into leaflets or pinnae) |
Sporangia distribution: in groups (sori) |
Frond surface: glossy, leathery |
Sorus shape: linear |
Leaflets: ultimate leaflets linear and undivided; basal leaflets divided into 2-4 segments |